Arran, Software Engineering (Game Development) BSc (Hons)


Arran, Software Engineering (Game Development) BSc (Hons) Great tutors, small class sizes and world-class equipment on his doorstep made the IoT the perfect choice for learner Arran Thomson.   The 24-year-old is on his final year of a Software Engineering (Game Development) BSc (Hons), choosing the subject because of a personal interest and growth in the […]

James, Software Engineering (Game Development) Foundation Degree

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James, Software Engineering (Game Development) Foundation Degree The technology and the skilled staff make the IoT stand out for learner James Strickland.   The 19-year-old is on a Foundation Degree in Software Engineering (Games Development) at Blackpool and the Fylde College.   “The equipment at the IoT is next level – and there’s really good interaction with […]

Joseph, Digital Technology Solutions (Network Engineering)


Joseph, Digital Technology Solutions (Network Engineering) Industry-leading technology a ten-minute drive from his home attracted Joseph Bennett to his IoT course.  And he will use his digital skills to boost the Blackpool economy as he plans to stay in the town at the end of his studies.   The 20-year-old is studying a Digital Technology Solutions […]

Harry, Digital Technology Solutions (Network Engineering)

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Harry Smith, Digital Technology Solutions (Network Engineering) “How many 19-year-olds can say they get to use this incredible equipment – and that’s all down to the IoT,” says Harry Smith.   The degree apprentice, who is on a Digital Technology Solutions (Network Engineering) course, has even contacted the manufacturer of one piece of technology to feedback […]